Yes, this is just as exciting as it looks from the photo. A pot of boiling hops and malt (a wort in beer making lingo), that with some time and love, will soon be a couple of cases of American Hefe Weizen. I guess I should have had this ready for the big NFL kick off this weekend but wasn't thinking that far ahead. It'll spend a week in the plastic bucket, then 2 weeks in the large glass bottle and then 5 weeks in the actual beer bottles.

I had forgotten that my Dad used to make wine in the closet back in the 70's. I guess it all comes back around. So show up in October for some free beer and let me know what you think.
Hmmmmmmm Wort! The only smell better than that is once your yeast kicks in and starts bubbling up. Hmmmmmm yeast! *drool*
oh maty - i remember when you were just a eager wanna beer brewer, full of life and questions, and a zest of the knowledge of beer making.
Now you're an old and wise beermaster, complete with a working blow-off tube and delightful gurgling sounds.
you've come a long way since saturday. - jesse
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