
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Here Comes the Drywall!

This has been a long week for sure. My camera broke first off, so these two photos are from my Black Berry. The Casio z100 (don't ever buy a Casio BTW) seems to turn off every minute or so and doesn't want to turn back on.

Anyway, I committed to the dry wall guy to be ready the morning of April 4th and it has been a long week of sometimes till midnight work:

1) making a new attic hatch and framing it in
2) running the wiring for the ceiling lights
3) finishing the trim around the pocket door
4) building a new cat door
5) pulling all the random nails out
6) installing the 240 volt / 40 amp surface mount plug (thank god for 3/4 inch flex conduit!!!!)
7) finishing the wiring around the sink
8) stapling the insulation in

and tomorrow night's mission is to generally clean up and have the 24 sheets of 5/8 inch dry wall ready for a 9 am Saturday start.

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