
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Never Ending Deck Project

Always inching forward. The more I work on this deck the more I realize that this is just like life. There are no quick solutions to substantial projects. It is coming up on one year since Ken and Cheryl decided to come out for a week and help me do this thing. I took a little while off to recoup, then it rained for about 4 months and since then I've been picking away at it like a itchy scab. Today was a big day as I put the first section of actual "stop you from falling off the thing" railing on the deck. You want to see the whole saga? I'm still building the pages but here are a couple of photos from page 1. I'll be posting the rest as time permits (cause I'm busy working on the damn thing). This is at the very beginning where I had to pull out a few tons of cement, a tree and a couple bushes to make room for the deck footings.

For more photos check out the link below

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